Liberia Medical & Dental Association Journal


Welcome to The Liberia Medical
& Dental Association Journal

The Liberia Medical & Dental Association Journal (LMDAJ) publishes contributions from medical researchers of scientific and educational interest to medical and dental practitioners and researchers as well as those in related disciplines, with special focus on medical practice and research in Africa and its peoples.  The aim of this Journal is to provide a medium for international dissemination of research findings originating in Liberia, and the greater West African subregion, to promote cooperation amongst and between medical researchers in Africa and elsewhere.  The Journal is published in English and French.  Printed supplements are published upon arrangement with the Editor-In-Chief.

Latest Publications

Open Source Manuscripts

Browse our current list of publicly available articles, reports, editorials and commentaries

Authors & Contributors

Format of submitted articles should be submitted in the following format: Title, Authors (include institutional affiliation, Abstract (Structured), Key words, Background, Objectives, Introduction, Materials and Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.


From The Editor

The resurgence of the Liberia Medical and Dental Association Journal in 2024 marks a significant milestone in our collective effort to address the pressing health challenges in Liberia and the broader West African region. This publication aims to serve as a bea­con of knowledge, providing healthcare professionals with the latest research, insights, and discussions pertinent to our region’s unique health landscape. As we celebrate this return, it is imperative to draw attention to two interconnected and increasingly preva­lent health issues: diabetes and kidney disease. – Professor Philip Zochonis Ireland, Editor-in-Chief, Liberia Medical and Dental Association Journal

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