Welcome to the Liberia Medical and Dental Association (LMDA) Media Center. Here you will find resources to assist you with reporting on medical research published in LMDA. If you are an active member of the press, we invite you to apply for embargoed access to our content if you meet the following criteria and agree to the LMDA embargo policy.
All news media granted embargoed access to LMDA will be asked to apply for renewal each year. We will send you a notification when your access is due to expire. Please reach out to us at mediarelations@LMDA.org if you have any questions or to expedite your access.
LMDA Fact Sheet – an overview of LMDA readership, global reach, impact, and other statistics
LMDA Publication Process – a review of the rigorous editorial, peer, and statistical review processes
Integrity Safeguards – an overview of LMDA integrity safeguards
Article Types – a complete listing of all LMDA article types
LMDA Editor-in-Chief Biography – a summary of Dr. Philip Z. Ireland’s key career milestones and most recent distinctions
LMDA Content and Image Reuse Permissions – guidelines for what permissions are needed to reuse LMDA content in media and the fastest means for obtaining those permissions
Media Frequently Asked Questions – answers to questions the LMDA media team hears most often